Test Information

Test Information

You must pass your theory before you can take your practical test!

Theory Test

The theory test is made up of two parts, multiple choice and hazard perception. The pass mark for multiple choice is between 43 – 50. For the hazard part you will be shown 14 clips with 15 hazards. Score 44 – 75 to pass.

Click here for a more comprehensive explanation

Practical Test

The practical test will start with a eyesight test and and two vehicle safety questions. For the eye sight test you will be asked to read a number plate, 20 meters for a new style number plate and 20.5 meters for old style number plate. For the vehicle safety questions, or show me tell me as they are some times known, you will be asked one show me, one tell me. If you answer incorrectly on one or both questions you will be marked with one driver fault.

Your test will take about 40 minutes taking in various road and traffic conditions, you may be asked to do a controlled stop. You will be asked to do one reverse exercise, turn in the road, left reverse, parallel park or bay park. Also a ten minute independent drive to show you can drive following signs or a diagram. Don’t worry if you make a mistake it may not be as bad as you think.

Once the test has finished the examiner will tell you the result, if you have one or more serious or dangerous fault it will not be a pass or more than 15 driver faults.

Click here for more comprehensive explanation.

Pass Plus

Once you have passed your test you can take further guidance by taking the pass plus this is in six models as below. You can take it as a six hour lesson, two three hour lessons or three two hour lessons your choice. This test is taken by your instructor and not a DVSA examiner a certificate will be issued by the DVSA at the completion of the course.

  • Town Driving
  • All-Weather Driving
  • Out of Town Driving & Rural Roads
  • Night Time Driving
  • Duel Carriageways
  • Motorways

Useful Websites

Some of my Successful Students

“I really enjoy being a driving instructor and I am always extremely proud when one of my students pass their test. Anyone who follows me on Facebook will know.”

– Diane Lambert

Joanne Cant

Charlotte Lawson

Kirsty Chapman

Keely Brownless

Katie Lambert

Michelle Carrick

Start Learning Today!

If you are interested in learning to drive get in touch…


Diane Lambert ADI

I am an independent approved driving instructor based in Darlington, County Durham.

Telephone: 07952254927

Email: info@dianelambert.co.uk

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DianeLambertADI

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